Tommy Pettersson
Tommy has extensive experience at senior levels within the IT and Financial Services industries. Prior to LFEX he was the Chairman of an IT business in Singapore.
He has been adviser to the CIO and other members of the Executive Committee of the London Stock Exchange, and has been CEO (Europe) of Computershare Ltd, at the time the leading supplier of integrated exchange trading systems (implementations included Oslo, Helsinki, Istanbul, Cyprus and Budapest stock and/or derivatives exchanges), and Adviser to the Chairman of a leading internet based financial service providers in the UK.
Tommy was CEO of Interbizz Ltd, the very first provider of real-time Internet based financial trading systems in 1996, a platform that was sold to institutions like Deutsche Bank, Kleinwort Benson, Goldman Sachs and Stock Trade in the UK and internationally. Tommy has spent time as a senior manager in two leading software and hardware suppliers, Digital Equipment and Philips. A Swedish national, his career has taken him across Europe, Middle East, Hong Kong, Singapore, USA, Australia, and New Zealand including extended periods in Eastern Europe. Tommy has expertise in managing, running and growing businesses, with a vast international experience. Tommy is an entrepreneur, as well as senior business man and trouble shooter.